Monday 8 July 2019

Who Was the Better Prophet? Huxley or Orwell?


Event 6

Friday 23 August at 4.00pm 
Assembly Rooms, Presteigne LD8 2AD

Dydd Gwener 23 Awst am 4.00pm
Yr Ystafelloedd Cynnull, Llanandras LD8 2AD

Huxley or Orwell? The Battle of the Books

Literature with Nicholas Murray

Nicholas Murray, biographer of Aldous Huxley, looks at the competing claims of the two great twentieth century dystopian novels, Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Which predicted more accurately the way the world was heading in their time and ours? Was Huxley’s book, predicting a consolidation of ’soft power’ in Western consumer societies more accurate in the world of Facebook and Google than Huxley’s darker vision symbolised by the famous image of the jackboot on the face?

Tickets £7.50 unreserved 
Tocynnau £7.50 heb eu cadw 

Event ends at approximately 5.15pm
Bydd y digwyddiad bwn yn gorffen am tua 5.15pm